Every participant must have an account on the DCC Online Training course site before taking a class. Here are the simple steps with screenshots showing you about what it will look like on your computer.

  1. Go to http://online.dallas.edu/training/ . A screen like the one below should come up.
  2. Left-click on "Create new account."

    Screenshot - creating an account

  3. A brief form like the one below will appear. Complete every field.

    Screenshot - step 2 of creating an account

  4. Left-click on "Create my new account"
  5. The following message will appear--except of course it will say that it has sent an email to your email account.

    Screenshot to create account
  6. Go check your email. There should be an email to you containing a link.
  7. Click that link to confirm your account, and it will take to the course site where you can log in with your newly created username and password.
  8. After you log in, click on the class you are taking. It will ask you for an enrollment key that DCC provides to all enrolled students.