Submitting Written Assignments

Follow this procedure:

  1. Copy the questions or other required materials from the assignment page into a Word document
  2. Answer the questions or do the assigned work, writing with proper MLA citations
  3. Format the document in MLA style
  4. Save the document. It must be in Microsoft Word (2000/XP/2003) format. It should have a ".doc" suffix. If you are using Office 2007, please do not save in the default ".docx" format.
  5. Go back to the assignment page and scroll down to the bottom to see the upload option.

    Screenshot of the area to submit assignments

    Screenshot Notes:

    1. This is the due date that shows for every assignment
    2. Note the maximum file size--in this case 2 megabytes. If the file will no upload, check that it is not too large (right-click on the file and choose "Properties").
    3. Click the "Browse" button in order to locate the completed assignment file on the disk drive.
  6. Click on "Browse." This will bring up a dialog box showing files on the computer being used. It will look something like this.

  7. Navigate to the assignment file on the hard drive and select it.
  8. Click on the "Open" button.
  9. The "Choose file" dialog box will disappear and the previous screen will appear with the name of the selected file (along with the file path on the computer) in the text box beside the "Browse" button. The screenshot below illustrates.

    Screenshot Notes:

    1. The text area beside the "Browse" button should now show the path to the assignment file. Scrolling to the right edge of the text area should show the file name of the assignment (highlighted here).
    2. Clicking the "Upload this file" button submits the file to the class site.
  10. Now the student simply clicks "Upload this file" and the file is uploaded to the course site.

    Screenshot Notes:

    1. The file appears on the class site, confirming it was uploaded successfully (no need to email to confirm that the instructor received it). Clicking on the file name wil open the copy that is uploaded to the site.
    2. The red "X" indicates the ability to delete the submission. A student might remember an intended revision and want to make the change. The delete function allows a student to delete the original submission, revise it, and submit it again.
    3. The paper stays as a "Submission draft" until the student clicks "Send for marking." Please click this button by the time the work is due.
  11. At this point, the submitted file is considered a "Draft submission." The student still has the ability to delete the file and upload a revised version.
  12. Click "Send for marking" to finalize the submission.
  13. Moodle warns the student that the assignment cannot be changed after it is sent for marking. Click "Yes."
  14. Now Moodle indicates the submission is final.
  15. After the instructor grades the work the student will be able to return to the page to see a grade and comments that are only visible to the instructor and the student.

    Screenshot Notes:

    1. The student can see the assigned grade
    2. The student can download an assignment to read feedback from the instructor. This feedback will help a student understand the assigned grade, show the strengths of the work, and push him/her to think more deeply about the concepts.
    3. The original paper is still stored with the assignment.
  16. Students will also receive an email from the instructor notifying them that the work has been graded along with a link to see the results. It will look something like the screenshot below (depends on the email client).


  17. If there is no email alert concerning the graded assignment, then there is a problem that should be resolved with the steps below or reported to technical support.

    • Be certain the email address is correct in the student Profile.

    • While in the student Moodle Profile, note that the selection beside "Email is activated" says "This email address is enabled."

    • Check to be certain the email client is not filtering out email from