Discussion Board Grades

The discussion board (also called "forum") is a key point of interaction with your instructor and fellow students. Therefore, it is a significant grade in your online class. In an effort to help you know what is expected of you, this grading rubric has been developed. It is not perfect. It does not cover every posting situation, but it does help you know the standard to which you are being held. Note also that your attendance in an online class is based on a timely, substantive posting to the forum each week.

Grading Rubric

Poor 60% This is a "me too" answer or one is irrelevant and adds nothing to the discussion.
Fair 70% This shows effort to say something relevant, but it doesn't add anything to the discussion.
Average 80% This is well-written and adds to the discussion (e.g. agrees or disagrees with the previous post), but it does not provide support for the position expressed. Shows minimal reflection.
Good 90% This is well-written and adds to the discussion (e.g. agrees or disagrees with the previous post). The expressed position is articulated with good support. Demonstrates reflection.
Excellent 100% This has all the characteristics of a good comment, but it goes a step further by doing at least one of the following:
  • Stimulating the discussion in some way: e.g. asking a good question or raising a new point to consider
  • Demonstrating critical thinking
  • Pulling in outside source material that speaks to the subject
  • Connecting the subject to previous material from the class

Other Grading Considerations

Understanding the Ratings on Individual Posts
During the week, the instructor will grade each student’s postings from 0-100%, using the grading rubric. When the student looks at the grade on each post during the week, it will look like this:

Count of ratings:  (1)
That "(1)" tells you that this post counts as one of the required minimum postings for the week. Click on the highlighted (1) and a window will open which shows the grade given to the post.

If your instructor adds a note to a post saying it has been read, this means the instructor has read the post, but does not consider it to be a gradable contribution (or not substantive). An example would be a response that was appropriate, but more social in nature. These may be good posts for the discussion: e.g. replying to a fellow student to say a post was insightful is encouraging and positive, but is not substantive. Therefore posts marked "Read" will not count towards a student's required responses for the week. Note that there is not a rating of "Read," which is why this will be indicated in the post rather than as a rating.

Extra Postings
Although most discussion assignments prescribe a minimum number of postings, students should not limit themselves to the minimum. Additional postings and replies are good for a lively discussion and the instructor will consider extra participation when assigning the weekly grade.

Weekly Forum Grade
At the end of each week your instructor will average your individual posting grades--taking into account whether you made the minimum number of postings--and give you a grade for the week. This is the grade that you will see in the gradebook that will contribute to your discussion grade for the course (see Grading and Requirements for that percentage).

Rev. 07.07.14